How Well Do You Remember What We Do in the Shadows Season 1? Trivia Quiz?

How Well Do You Remember What We Do in the Shadows Season 1

Test your knowledge with our What We Do in the Shadows Season 1 trivia quiz! Challenge yourself with questions about the hilarious antics of the vampire roommates. Play now and see how well you remember the first season of this beloved comedy series!

  1. 1 What task does Nandor assign to Guillermo in preparation for Baron Afanas's visit?

    1. Bring over virgins for a feast
    2. Clean the attic
    3. Decorate the house
    4. Cook a lavish meal
    5. Entertain the guests

    Bring over virgins for a feast. Nandor asks Guillermo to bring virgins for the vampires' feast.

  2. 2 What happens when the Baron arrives at Staten Island?

    1. He brings gifts for the vampires
    2. He immediately attacks the vampires
    3. He demands tribute from the vampires
    4. He seeks refuge with the vampires
    5. He offers an alliance to the vampires

    He immediately attacks the vampires. The Baron emerges from his coffin and kills Laszlo and Nadja’s familiar, June.

  3. 3 How does Nandor attempt to manipulate the junior councilperson Doug Peterson?

    1. By offering him money
    2. By threatening him
    3. By hypnotizing him
    4. By seducing him
    5. By blackmailing him

    By hypnotizing him. Nandor hypnotizes Doug Peterson from a distance and controls his mind.

  4. 4 How does Nandor defeat Toby during their confrontation?

    1. By using magical spells
    2. By throwing a silver weapon
    3. By throwing a squeaky bone toy
    4. By invoking ancient vampire powers
    5. By calling for reinforcements

    Nandor defeats Toby by throwing a squeaky bone toy off the roof, which Toby jumps after, allowing the vampires to escape.

  5. 5 What realization does Colin have about his new colleague, Evie Russell?

    1. She is a werewolf in disguise
    2. She is a vampire hunter
    3. She is an emotional vampire
    4. She is a ghost
    5. She is a psychic

    Colin realizes that Evie is an emotional vampire feeding off people’s pity by telling tragic stories about herself.

  6. 6 What is Nadja disappointed about during her date with Jeff Suckler?

    1. His lack of archery skills
    2. His choice of venue
    3. His fashion sense
    4. His sense of humor
    5. His inability to dance

    Nadja becomes disappointed in Jeff's lack of archery skills at a stall during their date.

  7. 7 What causes the Baron's eyes to briefly glow during his burial?

    1. The burial without a coffin
    2. The testimony of his familiar
    3. The presence of the ravens
    4. The arrival of the floating woman
    5. The pouring of alcohol into his mouth

    As they pour the Baron his ‘last sip’ of alcohol, his eyes briefly glow.

  8. 8 How do Laszlo, Nadja, and Nandor escape their death sentence?

    1. They fight their way out
    2. They hide in the tunnels
    3. They are saved by Colin with an umbrella
    4. They turn into bats
    5. They are rescued by Guillermo

    Colin holds a new umbrella over the well, shielding them from the sunlight, allowing them to escape.

  9. 9 What task do Laszlo and Nadja assign to Guillermo in preparation for the Bi-Annual Vampire Orgy?

    1. Organizing their wardrobe
    2. Setting up decorations
    3. Working as a ceiling mirror substitute
    4. Arranging the food and drinks
    5. Cleaning the house

    Laszlo and Nadja demand Guillermo work as a ceiling mirror substitute as part of the preparations for the orgy.

  10. 10 What surprising discovery does Guillermo make about his ancestry?

    1. He is 100% Dutch
    2. He is a direct descendant of the Van Helsing family
    3. He is related to Nandor
    4. He has royal bloodline
    5. He is related to Colin

    Guillermo discovers that he is a direct descendant of the Van Helsing family, known for hunting vampires.

  11. 11 What happens to the wooden garden stakes Guillermo bought for Laszlo?

    1. They are thrown away
    2. They are used to kill Jeff
    3. They pierce the portraits of Nandor, Laszlo, and Nadja
    4. They are given to Nandor as a gift
    5. They are used to decorate the garden

    To Guillermo's horror, the stakes accidentally pierce the nearby portraits of the vampires.

How Well Do You Remember What We Do in the Shadows Season 1? Trivia Quiz?

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