Who should be your best friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Who should be your best friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer?


Joyce Summers is first and foremost Buffy’s mother. Also she lived with her husband Hank Summers in Los Angeles. Your man met you on the prom of the High School. Joyce had no Date, and still went without an escort to the Ball. After a miserable and boring hour, you met Hank, forgot instantly his Date and his attention to Joyce. Later, she and Joyce were married begat Buffy, her only child.

As Buffy went to the High School, began the conflict between Joyce and Hank. Both of them worried about Buffy, and made each other Buffy accusations to have been wrongly educated. As Buffy of Hemery High School flew, split up, Hank and Joyce.

Joyce left L. A. and moved with her daughter to Sunnydale to make a fresh start.

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