Ultimate House M.D. Trivia Quiz

Ultimate House M.D. Trivia Quiz

Think you’re a House M.D. expert? Take the ultimate trivia quiz to challenge your knowledge of the beloved medical drama. From rare diagnoses to memorable quotes, put your House M.D. expertise to the test now!

  1. 1 Who is the Dean of Medicine at the hospital where Gregory House works?

    1. James Wilson
    2. Eric Foreman
    3. Lisa Cuddy
    4. Robert Chase
    5. Edward Vogler

    Lisa Cuddy serves as the Dean of Medicine at the hospital where Gregory House works, and she is often exasperated by House's unconventional methods but recognizes his brilliance and keeps him on staff.

  2. 2 What role does Eric Foreman play on House's team?

    1. Surgeon
    2. Diagnostician
    3. Radiologist
    4. Janitor
    5. Pharmacist

    Eric Foreman is one of House's teaching fellows and plays the role of a diagnostician on House's team. He has a background in academia and is hired by House for his unique perspective and past experiences as a juvenile delinquent.

  3. 3 What event leads to Stacy quitting her job and leaving the hospital with her husband Mark?

    1. House's legal trouble over medical billings
    2. House's increasing leg pain
    3. House's betrayal by reading Stacy's file
    4. House's revenge on a doctor
    5. House's involvement in a disciplinary hearing

    Stacy quits her job as General Counsel and leaves the hospital with her husband Mark after House gets into legal trouble over his medical billings. This incident contributes to the end of Stacy's tenure at the hospital.

  4. 4 How does House initially avoid legal consequences for possessing Vicodin?

    1. He claims the Vicodin belongs to a patient
    2. Wilson takes the blame for House's actions
    3. Cuddy perjures herself in court to dismiss the charges
    4. Tritter decides to drop the case against House
    5. House confesses and receives a reduced sentence

    Cuddy provides false testimony in court, perjuring herself to have the charges against House dismissed and prevent him from facing legal consequences for possessing Vicodin illegally.

  5. 5 How does House manipulate Cuddy to regain his parking spot?

    1. He threatens to resign from the hospital
    2. House fakes a medical emergency to garner sympathy
    3. House successfully completes a wheelchair challenge
    4. He blackmails Cuddy with sensitive information
    5. House offers to trade favors with Cuddy

    House manipulates Cuddy into giving him back his parking spot by spending a significant amount of time in a wheelchair, demonstrating his determination and resourcefulness to achieve his goals.

  6. 6 What is the reason behind House firing Samira Terzi?

    1. Incompetence
    2. Violating hospital policies
    3. Poor diagnostic skills
    4. Conflict with other team members
    5. Lack of experience

    House fires Samira Terzi due to her incompetence despite initially offering her a job at Princeton.

  7. 7 What is the ultimate fate of Amber?

    1. She recovers fully
    2. She returns to work at Princeton-Plainsboro
    3. She remains on life support indefinitely
    4. She passes away after being taken off life support
    5. She suffers from amnesia

    Amber's injuries from the bus crash are severe, and she ultimately passes away after being taken off life support, despite efforts to save her.

  8. 8 What is the reason behind House's severe insomnia and hallucinations?

    1. Methadone abuse
    2. Vicodin addiction
    3. PTSD from Kutner's suicide
    4. Trauma from Amber's death
    5. Alcoholism

    House's severe insomnia and hallucinations are a result of his Vicodin addiction, which leads to dangerous treatments and vivid hallucinations of Amber.

  9. 9 What prompts House to agree to be treated by Dr. Nolan at Mayfield Psychiatric Hospital?

    1. Threat of losing his medical license
    2. Desire for a fresh start in research
    3. Need for a break from diagnostic medicine
    4. Wilson's persuasion
    5. Cameron's intervention

    House agrees to treatment by Dr. Nolan due to the threat of losing his medical license because of his psychosis, which forces him to rely on Dr. Nolan's approval before returning to medicine.

  10. 10 How does Wilson attempt to overcome his relationship issues?

    1. By adopting a diabetic cat
    2. By seeking counseling
    3. By avoiding romantic entanglements
    4. By focusing on his career
    5. By reconciling with Sam Carr

    Wilson attempts to overcome his relationship issues by adopting a diabetic cat, hoping to mend his relationship with Sam Carr.

  11. 11 What do Chase and Adams do after House's departure?

    1. They take over the diagnostic department
    2. They start their own medical practice
    3. They pursue further medical training
    4. They leave Princeton-Plainsboro
    5. They continue working as part of the team

    Chase and Adams leave Princeton-Plainsboro after House's departure, marking the end of their tenure at the hospital.

  12. 12 What does Foreman reveal to House towards the end of the series?

    1. Wilson's deteriorating health condition
    2. House's impending promotion
    3. House's need to return to jail
    4. Wilson's decision to refuse treatment
    5. Chase's plan to leave the hospital

    Foreman reveals to House that he must return to jail due to a disastrous prank, disrupting his plans to spend time with Wilson.

Ultimate House M.D. Trivia Quiz

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