Stephen King Hard Quiz (12 Questions)

Stephen King Hard Quiz (12 Questions)

in "Bag of Bones" What is the name of the lake?

Name of the place Peter is imprisoned in 'The Eyes of the Dragon' ?

what was the former name of the stray dog in

what drink Jack wants In the restaurant in 'The Talisman'?

what were the two dead girls' names in 'The Green Mile'?


in "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon" What was the number Tom Gordon?

What was the name of the little boy in Cujo?

in 'Hearts In Atlantis' What did Bobby get for his birthday?

What type of car were Donna and Tad Trenton trapped in Cujo?

"From a Buick 8" take place in What City?

what was nailed to the speed limit sign in "Desperation"?

what was the title of King Roland In "The Eyes of the Dragon"?


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