Which Stephen King Villain Are You?
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Which Stephen King Villain Are You?
I'LL KILL YOU ALL! Ha-ha! I’ll drive you crazy, and I’ll kill you all! I’m every nightmare you’ve ever had! I am your worst dream come true! I'm everything you ever were afraid of! RARGH!!!
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Which Stephen King Villain Are You?
The most recurring and without a doubt, the most important villain of the entire Stephen King mythos, Randall Flagg is following King's own words, the best villain he created, whom he had in mind since he began writing. Randall Flagg goes by many aliases including Walter O'Dim, and Marten Broadcloak, but his real name is Walter Padick.
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Which Stephen King Villain Are You?
"Jesus watches from the wall, but His face is cold as stone. And if He loves me - as she tells me - why do I feel so all alone?"
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Which Stephen King Villain Are You?
Jack was a writer and a redeemed alcoholic who lived with his wife Wendy and his son Danny, who wielded a special psychic power known as "the Shining". Jack eventually became possessed by a demon (who, in general, had control over all of the Overlook Hotel that Jack was put in charge of) and attempted to try to kill his own family under that demon's influence.
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Which Stephen King Villain Are You?
She is portrayed as a psychopath who suffers from multiple mental illnesses possibly including Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder. She experiences extreme moodswings and severe bouts of Depression which sometimes last for a day or more. She also displays extreme paranoia. She masks her psychosis with a friendly, kind persona.
Annie is a severely mentally ill, demented and obsessive nurse and the self-proclaimed biggest fan of her favorite author, Paul Sheldon. She was ranked 17th on AFI's 100 Years... 100 Heroes and Villains.
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Which Stephen King Villain Are You?
Percy is a sadistic prison guard who enjoys aggravating the prisoners, particularly Eduard "Del" Delacroix. Although the other guards share a dislike of him, they must be nice to him because he is the governor's nephew.
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