How Well Do You Remember Good Omens Season 1? Trivia Quiz

How Well Do You Remember Good Omens Season 1

Test your knowledge of Good Omens Season 1 with this engaging trivia quiz. Challenge yourself and reminisce about the memorable moments from the series. How well do you remember?

  1. 1 What object does Aziraphale give away, leading to concerns about the consequences?

    1. Sword of Truth
    2. Flaming sword
    3. Holy Grail
    4. Celestial Shield
    5. Book of Prophecy

    Aziraphale gives away his flaming sword to Adam to defend himself and Eve, leading to concerns about the potential consequences of his action.

  2. 2 Who ultimately takes the Antichrist to raise as their own?

    1. The President
    2. Crowley
    3. The nuns
    4. Ambassador Thaddeus
    5. The Youngs

    The Youngs take the Antichrist, named Adam, to raise as their own child, unaware of his true identity.

  3. 3 What event prompts War to fully manifest as the embodiment of War?

    1. Signing of a peace accord
    2. Declaration of war
    3. Confrontation with a demon
    4. Reading a prophecy
    5. Summoning of the Four Horsemen

    War fully manifests as the embodiment of War after the signing of a peace accord, causing conflict to erupt as she receives her package containing her sword.

  4. 4 What significant item does Agnes Nutter leave behind for her descendants?

    1. A cursed necklace
    2. A magical amulet
    3. A box of spells
    4. The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter
    5. A forbidden grimoire

    Agnes Nutter leaves behind a book titled The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter for her daughter and son-in-law, containing accurate but meaningless prophecies.

  5. 5 What realization does Anathema have about her mission?

    1. She must locate the heart of darkness in Tadfield
    2. She is destined to confront the Four Horsemen
    3. She holds the key to saving the world
    4. She must decipher Agnes Nutter's prophecies
    5. She is the reincarnation of Agnes Nutter

    Anathema realizes that her mission is to locate the heart of darkness in Tadfield, as prophesied by Agnes Nutter.

  6. 6 In what year and location do Aziraphale and "Crawly" witness the beginning of the rain that leads to the Great Flood?

    1. 1601, Globe Theater, London
    2. 537 AD, Wessex
    3. 41 AD, Rome
    4. 33 AD, Golgotha
    5. 3004, Mesopotamia

    In 3004 Mesopotamia, Aziraphale and "Crawly" witness the beginning of the rain that leads to the Great Flood, as Noah prepares to build the ark.

  7. 7 In which historical period do Aziraphale and Crowley find themselves on opposing sides, canceling each other's actions?

    1. Ancient Mesopotamia
    2. Medieval Europe
    3. Renaissance England
    4. French Revolution
    5. World War II

    During the French Revolution in 1793, Aziraphale and Crowley find themselves on opposing sides, with Aziraphale attempting to save himself from execution and Crowley intervening to help him.

  8. 8 How does Crowley escape from Hastur in his flat?

    1. He uses a spell to banish Hastur to another dimension.
    2. He tricks Hastur into teleporting himself away.
    3. He incapacitates Hastur with holy water.
    4. He traps Hastur in an antique answering machine.
    5. He seeks refuge in Aziraphale's bookshop.

    Crowley lures Hastur onto a tape in his antique answering machine, effectively trapping him there and allowing himself to escape.

  9. 9 What happens when Shadwell attempts to exorcise Aziraphale from his shop?

    1. Aziraphale is banished to Hell.
    2. Shadwell is transported to Heaven.
    3. Aziraphale is teleported to Heaven.
    4. Shadwell discovers Aziraphale's true nature.
    5. Aziraphale's shop catches on fire.

    During Shadwell's attempt to exorcise Aziraphale, the angel is teleported to Heaven in a burst of white light.

  10. 10 How does Aziraphale attempt to reach the Tadfield Airbase?

    1. By teleporting using his celestial powers.
    2. By driving a motorcycle with Shadwell as a passenger.
    3. By commandeering a military helicopter.
    4. By disguising himself as a human soldier.
    5. By hitchhiking with passing motorists.

    Aziraphale attempts to reach the Tadfield Airbase by driving a motorcycle with Shadwell as a passenger, utilizing mundane means to navigate the physical world.

  11. 11 How do Aziraphale and Crowley evade detection and interference from their respective sides after the events unfold?

    1. They flee to a hidden sanctuary in the mortal world.
    2. They erase all traces of their existence from Heaven and Hell.
    3. They switch appearances to confuse their superiors.
    4. They form an alliance with other renegade angels and demons.
    5. They go into hiding among humans, adopting mortal disguises.

    Aziraphale and Crowley evade detection by switching appearances, thereby confusing their respective superiors in Heaven and Hell.

  12. 12 How do Anathema and Newton respond to the prophecies they discover?

    1. They use the prophecies to gain power and influence.
    2. They destroy the prophecies to prevent future calamities.
    3. They ignore the prophecies, believing them to be unreliable.
    4. They use the prophecies to uncover hidden truths and secrets.
    5. They burn the prophecies as a symbol of moving on from the past.

    Anathema and Newton burn the prophecies they discover as a symbol of moving on from the past, choosing to forge their own destiny rather than be bound by prophecy.

How Well Do You Remember Good Omens Season 1? Trivia Quiz

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