What Are You in Lord of The Rings
Where is Your Kingdom?

What is the name of your Kingdom?

Select Your Landing My Lord

What is the main element of your kingdom?

What is Your Main Weapon

Who is Your Slave

What is Your Kingdom's The main Ability?

What Are You in The Lord of The Rings
Gollum was a good survivor and was very keen eyed and quick of hand this made him an excellent fisherman. He could spot and catch fish in almost any level of light and waters. He fished the waters of the Misty Mountain's underground lake for centuries in almost complete darkness and almost anywhere he had to after leaving his cave in search of the Ring and the thief Baggins.
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What Are You in The Lord of The Rings
"Hrum, now, well, I am an Ent, or that's what they call me. Yes, Ent is the word. The Ent, I am, you might say, in your manner of speaking. Fangorn is my name according to some, Treebeard others make it. Treebeard will do."
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What Are You in The Lord of The Rings
Shadowfax was "the Lord of all horses". He was a descendant of Felaróf, of the race of the long-lived Mearas, the greatest horses of Middle-earth. Shadowfax was capable of comprehending human speech and was said to run faster than the wind
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What Are You in The Lord of The Rings
Balrogs were powerful creatures. They were amongst the most trusted and oldest servants of Morgoth, and it was said that, of Morgoth's servants, only winged Fire-drakes were more terrible to battle
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What Are You in The Lord of The Rings
The Elves called the race of Men, in Quenya Atani, literally meaning "Second People", but also Hildor (Aftercomers), and Fírimar (Mortals) or Engwar (the sickly). They were also called the Usurpers, the Strangers, the inscrutable, the Self-cursed, the Heavyhanded, the Nightfearers and the Children of the Sun.
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What Are You in The Lord of The Rings
"It was a dwarf with a blue beard tucked into a golden belt, very bright eyes under his dark-green hood."
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What Are You in The Lord of The Rings
Elves, like Men, are Children of Eru Ilúvatar and thus are very similar to Men. Unlike Men, however, they are immortal, in that their bodies do not age once they have reached maturity, so that they do not seem to become elderly or die of old age.
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What Are You in The Lord of The Rings
"Hobbits really are amazing creatures, as I have said before. You can learn all that there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet after a hundred years they can still surprise you at a pinch."
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What Are You in The Lord of The Rings
The Eagles arrived in time to overthrow some Nazgûl, including Khamûl. Gwaihir, with others of his people, rescued Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee from Mount Doom in Mordor after the One Ring had been destroyed
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What Are You in The Lord of The Rings
The fell beasts were described as large, winged creatures without feathers. Its pinions were in between horned fingers; and its body gave off a stench. It is possible that fell beasts came from "an older world". The dark lord Sauron bred these fell beasts and gave them to his servants.
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What Are You in The Lord of The Rings
in addition to his physical appearance, Sauron also apparently had an aura of incredible malevolence. A passage in The Silmarillion describes him as having a "dreadful presence," and daunting eyes. Furthermore, his mere presence could bend all but the strongest wills
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What Are You in The Lord of The Rings
Orcs were cruel, wicked, and bad-hearted, and hated everybody and everything, particularly the orderly and prosperous.
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