How Well Do You Remember Twin Peaks Season 1? Trivia Quiz 1990-1991

How Well Do You Remember Twin Peaks Season 1

Put your memory to the test with our Twin Peaks Season 1 Trivia Quiz. From iconic quotes to pivotal plot points, challenge yourself with questions from the 1990-1991 cult classic. How well do you remember the mysteries of Twin Peaks? Take the quiz now and find out

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  1. 1 Who did Laura Palmer's father, Leland Palmer, speak with before realizing his daughter was dead?

    1. Benjamin Horne
    2. Sven Jorgenson
    3. Hotel concierge Julie
    4. Sheriff Harry S. Truman
    5. Doctor Will Hayward

    Leland Palmer received a call from his worried wife, and while speaking to the hotel concierge, he saw Sheriff Truman enter the hotel, leading to the realization of his daughter's death.

  2. 2 What item was found underneath Laura Palmer's left ring fingernail?

    1. A ring
    2. A key
    3. A locket
    4. A piece of cloth
    5. A small piece of paper with the letter 'R'
  3. 3 What does Shelly Johnson find in Leo's laundry that she hides from Norma?

    1. Money
    2. Drugs
    3. A gun
    4. A bloody shirt
    5. A threatening note

    Shelly Johnson finds a bloodied shirt in Leo's laundry and quickly hides it from Norma before leaving for work.

  4. 4 Who does Doctor Lawrence Jacoby begin listening to a tape made by?

    1. Laura Palmer
    2. Donna Hayward
    3. Audrey Horne
    4. Shelly Johnson
    5. Sarah Palmer

    Doctor Lawrence Jacoby begins listening to a tape made by Laura Palmer, which brings him to tears as he observes half of a heart necklace hidden inside a coconut.

  5. 5 What does Ben Horne bring back from his trip to Paris to share with his brother Jerry?

    1. Croissants
    2. Baguettes
    3. Macarons
    4. Escargot
    5. Brie cheese

    Ben Horne brings back brie cheese from Paris to share with his brother Jerry upon his return.

  6. 6 What method does Cooper use to narrow down his suspicions about Laura's murder?

    1. The "Twin Peaks method"
    2. The "Montana method"
    3. The "Sherlock Holmes method"
    4. The "Zen method"
    5. The "Tibetan method"

    Cooper uses the "Tibetan method," which involves throwing stones at a bottle for each name starting with a 'J' to narrow down his suspicions about Laura's murder to Leo Johnson and Lawrence Jacoby.

  7. 7 What task does Cooper ask Audrey to perform when he meets her at the Great Northern?

    1. Compare handwriting samples
    2. Analyze fingerprints
    3. Solve a crossword puzzle
    4. Decode a message
    5. None of the above

    Cooper asks Audrey to write her name on a piece of paper so he can compare her handwriting to a note he received under his door.

  8. 8 What is the nickname given to the man depicted in the sketch by Deputy Andy?

    1. "BOB"
    2. "The One-Armed Man"
    3. "Red Corvette"
    4. "Bernie"
    5. "Doctor Lydecker"

    The man depicted in the sketch by Deputy Andy is nicknamed "BOB".

  9. 9 What does Donna reveal about Laura Palmer's mother and her visions?

    1. She saw Laura's killer
    2. She knew about the missing locket
    3. She foresaw Laura's death
    4. She had a vision of a red corvette
    5. None of the above

    Donna reveals that Laura Palmer's mother had a vision and saw someone take the missing locket.

  10. 10 What is found in Laura Palmer's secret hiding place by Madeleine?

    1. A diary
    2. A tape
    3. A locket
    4. Money
    5. None of the above

    Madeleine finds a tape in Laura Palmer's secret hiding place.

  11. 11 What does Leland Palmer do unexpectedly during the gala for the men from Iceland?

    1. Starts singing
    2. Starts dancing
    3. Starts crying
    4. Starts laughing uncontrollably
    5. None of the above

    Leland Palmer unexpectedly starts dancing during the gala for the men from Iceland.

  12. 12 What significant event occurs during surveillance of Waldo the bird at the stationhouse?

    1. The bird starts talking
    2. The bird flies away
    3. Gunshots are heard
    4. Leo Johnson is arrested
    5. None of the above

    Gunshots are heard during surveillance of Waldo the bird at the stationhouse, leading to chaos and confusion.

  13. 13 What does Audrey find inside Jacoby's coconut?

    1. A letter from Laura
    2. A key to a secret room
    3. A tape and half a heart necklace
    4. Money
    5. A map to a hidden treasure

    Inside Jacoby's coconut, Audrey finds a tape and half a heart necklace mentioned by Laura.

  14. 14 What causes a fire to break out at the lumbermill?

    1. A gas leak
    2. Leo Johnson's actions
    3. Catherine's gun
    4. Nadine's pills
    5. A bomb planted by Leo
  15. 15 Who shoots Agent Cooper three times at the end of the sequence?

    1. Leo Johnson
    2. Big Ed
    3. Bobby
    4. Catherine
    5. Josie


How Well Do You Remember Twin Peaks Season 1? Trivia Quiz 1990-1991

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