Can You Complete the Missing Words in Iron Maiden Lyrics (Level -1)?
10 Questions
For a man that's nowhere to be found. Until I find him I'm never gonna stop searching, I'm gonna find my ......, gonna travel around.
........... at 8 o'clock move in behind us Ten ME-109's out of the sun Ascending and turning out spitfires to face them Heading straight for them I press my guns.
I have a lust for the Earth below And Hell itself is my only foe 'Cause I've no fear of dying I'll go when I'm .......... and ready
Don't you dare to save your son Kill him now and save the young ones Be the mother of a birth strangled babe Be the devils own, ............. my name
There's prophet in the gutter in the street He say "You're damned !" - and you believe him... He's got a vision but it shines out through your eyes A world of .......... and fear...