Can You Complete the Missing Words in Iron Maiden Lyrics (Level -1)?

Can You Complete the Missing Words in Iron Maiden Lyrics (Level -1)?

Can You Complete the Missing Words in Iron Maiden Lyrics (Level -1)?

10 Questions

........... at 8 o'clock move in behind us Ten ME-109's out of the sun Ascending and turning out spitfires to face them Heading straight for them I press my guns.

Just ..........., a pickup truck, out of money, out of luck. I've got nowhere to call my own, hit the gas, and here I go.

Don't you dare to save your son Kill him now and save the young ones Be the mother of a birth strangled babe Be the devils own, ............. my name

For a man that's nowhere to be found. Until I find him I'm never gonna stop searching, I'm gonna find my ......, gonna travel around.

There's prophet in the gutter in the street He say "You're damned !" - and you believe him... He's got a vision but it shines out through your eyes A world of .......... and fear...


My faith in believing is stronger than lifelines and ties, With the glimmer of ........ my moment is ready to strike.

You got to watch them - Be quick or be dead ......... eyes in heaven - The thief's in your head

I have a lust for the Earth below And Hell itself is my only foe 'Cause I've no fear of dying I'll go when I'm .......... and ready

f you're feeling down depressed and ........... I know a place where we can go 22 Acacia Avenue meet a lady that I know So if you're looking for a good time

But when she was walking on down the road She heard a sound that made her heart ............ He whispered to her to get on the back "I'll take you on ride from here to eternity"


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