Who Said This Quote? (Josh Dun Or Tyler Joseph)

Twenty One Pilots Quotes Quiz

  1. 1 It's not like we grew up hanging around in church every day. We'll always stick to what we feel is right for us to do, and I don't think either of us have had a hard time saying, 'This is who I am, and I'm fine with it.'

    1. Josh Dun
    2. Tyler Joseph
  2. 2 "I like candles. It helps cover up for the fact that I have four male roommates. "

    1. Josh Dun
    2. Tyler Joseph
  3. 3 "A lot of things you do to cover up insecurities can be just as harmful to you as anything else."

    1. Tyler Joseph
    2. Josh Dun
  4. 4 "Blurryface is a fictional character and a reference to insecurities, which I think all people have. "

    1. Josh Dun
    2. Tyler Joseph
  5. 5 "Growing up, money is important. And now I have a career where I'm making enough money to live. But I really want to give it to my parents, my family, charities, and people around me. "

    1. Josh Dun
    2. Tyler Joseph
  6. 6 "After talking to people and meeting them every day, I realize that a song can be written from one perspective with an objective in mind. What is crazy about it is that many different people can take one song a totally different way. That is so cool, since music is a universal thing and a very personal thing. "

    1. Josh Dun
    2. Tyler Joseph
  7. 7 "'Twenty One Pilots' is a play by Arthur Miller, who also wrote 'All My Sons.' It's about a guy who's creating and developing parts for airplanes in war time, when it comes to his attention that some of these parts were faulty. "

    1. Tyler Joseph
    2. Josh Dun
  8. 8 "I didn't know that there were many rules in music when I first started writing. "

    1. Tyler Joseph
    2. Josh Dun
  9. 9 "Some people would look at a backing track as something that would confine you, but it really frees us up. It's nice not to be strapped down to a certain spot when you're trying to put on a show. "

    1. Josh Dun
    2. Tyler Joseph
  10. 10 "There are times when we look back and think, 'Do you remember when we had to lug a piano downstairs to a basement of some venue to play for five people?' We do a lot of reminiscing. It helps us keep our heads on straight."

    1. Josh Dun
    2. Tyler Joseph

Who Said This Quote? (Josh Dun Or Tyler Joseph)

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  1. oh dude i got so fucking >:, at myself but then i tested the theory surely randomly clicking i couldn’t be wrong every time

  2. Br uh as a super-fan i was really disappointed in myself but then i put all the answers opposite in and this quiz is really just to fuel some good ol’ self hatred