The Person of Interest Quote Quiz features a collection of intriguing and thought-provoking quotes from the popular TV series. This quiz challenges fans to identify the character who said each quote, testing their knowledge and memory of the show. From the enigmatic musings of Harold Finch to the witty remarks of John Reese, this quiz offers a thrilling opportunity for fans to immerse themselves in the world of Person of Interest and showcase their expertise. So, if you think you know the show inside out, put your detective skills to the test and see how many quotes you can correctly attribute to their respective characters. Are you ready to take on the challenge?
Anwer Questions
Who said this Person of Interest Quote Quiz
Who said this Person of Interest Quote Quiz
Question 1 |
Finch | |
Fusco | |
Reese | |
Elias | |
Carter |
Question 2 |
Carter | |
Finch | |
Morgan | |
Reese | |
Elias |
Question 3 |
Finch | |
Morgan | |
Reese | |
Carter | |
Root |
Question 4 |
Shaw | |
Fusco | |
Reese | |
Carter | |
Finch |
Question 5 |
Root | |
Finch | |
Shaw | |
Morgan | |
Carter |
Question 6 |
Morgan | |
Carter | |
Finch | |
Shaw | |
Reese |
Question 7 |
Carter | |
Elias | |
Fusco | |
Morgan | |
Root |
Question 8 |
Fusco | |
Elias | |
Root | |
Finch | |
Morgan |
Question 9 |
Finch | |
Reese | |
Fusco | |
Morgan | |
Elias |
Question 10 |
Finch | |
Carter | |
Morgan | |
Fusco | |
Root |
Question 11 |
Elias | |
Shaw | |
Finch | |
Reese | |
Morgan |
Question 12 |
Reese | |
Carter | |
Root | |
Shaw | |
Elias |
Question 13 |
Reese | |
Finch | |
Shaw | |
Carter | |
Fusco |
Question 14 |
Reese | |
Root | |
Finch | |
Carter | |
Shaw |
How Well Do You Know Frank Sinatra Lyrics Quiz
omg i made it 57 percent