Which Supertramp Song Are You? Quiz

Step into the captivating realm of progressive rock with our “Which Supertramp Song Are You?” quiz! Embark on a musical journey through the iconic melodies and thought-provoking lyrics of Supertramp, and unveil the song that resonates most profoundly with your inner symphony. Are you the introspective and melodic “The Logical Song,” capturing the essence of self-discovery and nostalgia? Perhaps you embody the dreamy and intricate “Dreamer,” reflecting a sense of optimism and imagination. Could you be the complex and emotionally rich “Give a Little Bit,” radiating compassion and connection? Take the quiz to unravel the musical tapestry of your soul and reveal the harmonious composition that defines you within the mesmerizing repertoire of Supertramp’s legendary tracks.

Which Supertramp Song Are You?

What a Superstramp band member? 

Where would you choose to live?

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what are your main characteristics?

What's the Most important thing for you in a Song?


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  1. Can’t pick just one of Roger Hodgson’s classics. Roger, founder and voice of Supertramp, gave us so many treasures – Give a Little Bit, It’s Raining Again, The Logical Song, Dreamer, Take the Long Way Home, Breakfast in America, and countless more. For anyone who was or is a fan of Supertramp, you’ve got to see Roger live in concert. His voice is still incredible and his band is even better than the “golden years” lineup. Check this out – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fVQ2Rq2U0o