Which Star Wars Spaceship Are You?
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Which Star Wars Spaceship Are You?
Their maneuverability and the split wings that match the X in their name make them one of the coolest starship designs in Star Wars, utilized by the heroes of both the Original Trilogy and The Force Awakens.
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Which Star Wars Spaceship Are You?
With their bright colors and talkative astromech droids, these ships contributed to the characters of the Jedi and looked pretty cool while they were doing it, especially twisting around in the beautiful Battle of Coruscant at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith
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Which Star Wars Spaceship Are You?
The bright yellow, needle-tipped Naboo fighters serve the same role as the X-Wings in the Original Trilogy, as the front line fighters of the Naboo force. They were used by the local Naboo Royal Security Forces, but were more than capable of taking out a Trade Federation droid control ship.
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Which Star Wars Spaceship Are You?
Although it is absolutely the Empire's most expendable starship, it is also its most iconic. The original TIE fighters from A New Hope were white in color, while the ones in Empire and Jedi were a bit grayer, with blue-ish hues.
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Which Star Wars Spaceship Are You?
Both Darth Revan and the Jedi Exile used this ship on their journeys across the galaxy. The player spends hours there getting to know the crew and preparing for the war either for or against the Sith
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Which Star Wars Spaceship Are You?
The New Jedi Order series was full of all kinds of biological weirdness, starting with the Yuuzhan Vong’s bioengineered technology.
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