Which Member Of The Rolling Stones Is Your Soulmate? Quiz

Which Member Of The Rolling Stones Is Your Soulmate


The Rolling Stone was founded in 1967 in San Francisco by Jann S. Wenner and Ralph J. Gleason. The Name comes from a Bob Dylan Song Like a Rolling Stone and the article Gleason in the journal American Scholar. Gleason’s article was about the huge changes in music and politics in the ‘ 60s. The Rolling Stone operation in the next few years successfully, the New Journalism. To include his style of authors, Hunter S. Thompson, Lester Bangs and Cameron Crowe.

Rolling Stone was always more than just a music magazine. International attention to an article that led in 2010 to the deposition of Stanley A. McChrystal, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, for example.[6] The National Magazine Award, Rolling Stone has won in 2004, for the 14. Time.


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  1. I thought I was more Like Charlie despite the fact I´d rather play the solo guitar.Charlie is the kind of guy I think I resemble.Bill is a womaniser or rather he used to be.I prefer to be a monogamist for life.That´s what I am.