Which Labyrinth Character Are You
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Which “Labyrinth” Character Are You?
Jareth presents as being proud, arrogant and mischievous, and at the start of the film delights in tormenting Sarah and demonstrating his powers to her. As the film progresses, he displays other traits, including building anxiety as Sarah progresses quickly through his Labyrinth. By the end of the film he is desperate to win, attempting to win Sarah over by insisting he will give her everything she wants in exchange for her love, fear and obedience.
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Which “Labyrinth” Character Are You?
Hoggle is a crochety and lonely figure, and initially rejects Sarah's attempts to befriend him. He is repeatedly humiliated by his master Jareth, and his poor treatment results in Hoggle's being deeply distrustful of those around him.Despite his initial coldness, Hoggle eventuallycomes to care for Sarah and helps her reach Jareth's Castle. His courage in helping Sarah results in his developing a more noble persona, and at the end of the film he is shown to be a brave and caring friend.
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Which “Labyrinth” Character Are You?
Sarah is an immature and petulant teenager who resents her infant half-brother and her responsibilities as his sister. A pan of Sarah's room at the start of the film shows that she has a number of children's books on her shelves, including The Wizard Of Oz, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland and Maurice Sendak's Outside Over There. The reading material shown in Sarah's room indicates that she has a love of fairy-tales and fantasy, a trait that is also suggested by the fact she is first seen rehearsing a play in pseudo-medieval costume.
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Which “Labyrinth” Character Are You?
Sir Didymus is a fox-terrier in Labyrinth, as specified by the presskit, who believes he is a great and chivalrous knight. He has a canine steed named Ambrosius, and has the job of guarding the bridge that crosses over the Bog of Eternal Stench.
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Which “Labyrinth” Character Are You?
Ambrosius, Sir Didymus' semi-faithful steed in the 1986 film Labyrinth, is a dog who closely resembles Sarah's own dog Merlin. He has much more sense than his enthusiastic master, and knows when to run away from trouble, which usually leads to Didymus chiding him.
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Which “Labyrinth” Character Are You?
Ludo looks monstrous, but has a gentle and playful nature, and is one of the few residents of the labyrinth who is not under Jareth's control. He speaks rudimentary broken English and refers to himself in the third person.
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