Robert Wyatt Lyrics Quiz

Robert Wyatt Lyrics Quiz

Robert Wyatt Trivia Quiz Robert Wyatt Lyrics test

Bit that Bebop. Ditch the dancing. Don that duvet, Cook the cocoa.

It takes a lot of lolly Trying to be jolly When the interest keeps mounting In the bank and in my person

Suddenly was gone. I woke up Feeling stupid. No one else awake Though dawn was only minutes away.

Don't hunt me down, for Heaven's sake! You know that I'm only joking, aren't I? Pardon me I'm very drunk!

Seaweed tangled in our home from home Reminds me of your rocky bottom Please don't wait for the paperweight Err on the good side

I mean if this is only a question of toughness Survive me Hardy, or deflate me straight away Beating shit out of me takes the hell out of you

There's nothing new under the mirror It's time for one more bedtime story Those foreigners are at it again When will they learn to fight like our men?

Well, some are the good and then some are the bad kind Some of the others are in between But all I can say is she is the worst kind

We'll cut off your supply lines. But you'll be free to re-connect If you beg our forgiveness.


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