Can You Complete the Missing Words in The Allman Brothers Band Lyrics (Level -1)?

Can You Complete the Missing Words in The Allman Brothers Band Lyrics (Level -1)?

Cause I'm confused, but only sometimes. Patiently waiting, baby just for you. But I'll be leavin', babe, I won't go ...........

Aint no doubt and I dont mean maybe Whoo! i just cant forget about you baby Cant stop thinkin bout your .......... love

Every other .................. I would practice good behavior. That was then, this is now, don't ask me to be Mister Clean,

.......... , darlin', ............ Woman, you go your way, and I'll go mine Seems to me, that I once heard That everything is finally cured by time

Just one more mornin' I had to wake up with the ........... Pulled myself outta bed, yeah Put on my walkin' shoes,


Someday baby, you ain't gonna trouble, poor me, anymore. Yeah, I'll tell everybody, in my ..................

........ ladies all dressed in silk and lace. While you're there, oh, it seems like such a lovely place. But when you leave there,

Black hearted woman, seems trouble and pain is all you ............. Some time thinking I'll be much better, if I was stiff down in my grave.

I've been run down I've been lied to I don't know why, I let that mean woman make me a fool She took all my ..........

Cause I need your love so ........... I needed some voice, to take me through the night,



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