“Breaking Bad,” created by Vince Gilligan, has left an indelible mark on television history. The gripping tale of a high school chemistry teacher’s transformation into a ruthless drug lord, accompanied by his former student and partner in crime, has captivated audiences worldwide. Now, it’s time to put your knowledge to the test with this Breaking Bad Quiz! Let’s see how well you remember the characters, plot twists, and iconic moments that made this series a cultural phenomenon.
Breaking Bad - Fan Quiz -1
Question 1 |
Fring Goodman | |
Tuco Salamanca | |
Saul Goodman | |
Gus Fring |
Question 2 |
Jack Welker | |
Jesse Pinkman | |
Todd Alquist | |
Lydia Rodarte – Quayle |
Question 3 |
Old Joe | |
Old Pete | |
Old Trevor | |
Old Mike |
Question 4 |
In a hole in the ground | |
In a airport locker | |
In a safety deposit box | |
On the refrigerator |
Question 5 |

During Season 1 , Walt and Jesse flip a join to decide who kills which of the following?
Gus Fring | |
Gale Boetticher | |
Steven Gomez | |
Krazy-8 |
Question 6 |
Pipe Bomb Explosion | |
Gunshot | |
He wasn’t killed | |
Ricin |
Question 7 |

In season 2 , which character kills Tuco?
Hector | |
Hank | |
Jesse | |
Walter |
Question 8 |
$500K | |
$250K | |
$3 Million ** | |
$1 Million |
Question 9 |
Strangled | |
Shot | |
Riccin | |
She Wasn’t killed |
Question 10 |

What was the name of Saul’s Secretary?
Imogen | |
Francesca | |
Jane | |
Lumen |
0-3 points: Looks like you need a refresher course on “Breaking Bad.” Consider rewatching the series to catch all the thrilling moments you might have missed.
4-7 points: Not bad! You have a decent knowledge of the series. Keep exploring the world of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman.
8-10 points: Wow, you’re a true “Breaking Bad” aficionado! Your knowledge of the show is exceptional, and you know your Heisenberg from your Saul Goodman.
Jimi Hendrix- Experience Hendrix Quiz -1